
Assessment criteria: Unit 4. Reproduction.

  1. To explain the concept of reproduction, its purpose and the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction.
  2. To explain the advantages and the disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction.
  3. To differentiate the types of cellular division and to draw a picture of each type.
  4. To distinguish between gymnosperms and angiosperms plants.
  5. To describe asexual reproduction processes in plants.
  6. To explain the alternation of generations in seedless plants.
  7. To distinguish between angiosperms and gymnosperms.
  8. To draw a typical flower, label its parts and explain their function.
  9. To explain what pollination is and distinguish between different types (anemogamous/ entomogamous and self-pollimation/ cross-pollination)
  10. To explain the process of fertilization in plants and how seeds and fruit are formed.
  11. To describe the processes of dispersion and germination of seeds.
  12. To draw a seed, label its parts and explain their function.
  13. To describe the different asexual reproduction processes in animals and know the group of animal in which they occur.
  14. To know the function of gonads and gametes.
  15. To explain the process of fertilization in animals.
  16. To distinguish between internal and external fertilization (process, advantages, disadvantages) and to give examples of animals in which each type takes place.
  17. To distinguish between unisexual and hermaphrodite species and give examples.
  18. To define sexual dimorphism and give examples of animals that show it.
  19. To know the stages of zygote development (embryonic development and post-embryonic development).
  20. To know the types of animals in accordance with their embryonic development.
  21. To distinguish between direct and indirect development.
  22. To describe the process of complete metamorphosis.
  23. To define concepts and use language to express the knowledge acquired.

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