
Assessment criteria: Unit 3

  1. To explain the purpose of the interaction function.
  2. To describe the different stages of interaction in unicellular and multicellular organisms.
  3. Given a situation in which an animal is carrying out the interaction function, to explain all the processes that are taking place.
  4. To define the concepts of stimulus, response, receptor, sense organ, hormone, endocrine gland and effector.
  5. To define and to know the difference between tropisms and nastic movements.
  6. To give some examples of the different types of tropisms and nastic movements.
  7. To classify receptors according to the stimulus they capture and to be familiar with the main photoreceptors, mechanireceptors and chemoreceptors.
  8. To know the way the two coordination systems (nervous and endocrine) work and to know the differences between them.
  9. To know the basic structure of a neuron and the way they pass information to each other.
  10. To know the parts of the nervous system of a simple and of a complex animal: neurons, nerve centers and nerves.
  11. To know the parts of the endocrine system (hormones and endocrine glands) and to give some examples of them.
  12. To explain the different types of animal responses and to give examples of them.
  13. To explain how the muscles of the locomotor system of squid, echinoderms, arthropods and vertebrates work.

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