

Underwater astonishments

  • pitch-black world:
  • to blink:
  • firefly:
  • glowing eyes:
  • pattern:
  • pinwheel:
  • to settle down:
  • to curl up:
  • to bounce:
  • butt:
  • to droop:
  • droopy:
  • crevice:
  • to spook :
  • to bluff:
2. What percentage of the ocean have we explored?
3. Bioluminescence animals. What for?
4. Explain the adaptations of the animals shown in the video:

  • octopus.
  • squids.
  • cuttlefish.
  • octopus.
  • barracuda.
  • coral bottom with an octopus camouflaged like an algae
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